Join Sunny Dawn Johnston FOR

Intuition 365 Playground


Because isn’t it time to have a little more play?

It was mid-December 2021, and I was tuning into the Energy of the New Year… like we all do at the end of the year. I was asking myself some questions:

What new experiences, opportunities, and classes desire to come through me in 2022 to serve my community and myself?
What do we, as a community, need more of this year? Less of?
What can I offer that can move the needle the most for people?

What I kept hearing from the Angels is Intuition… over and over and over again. With all the fear and illness and challenge of the past two years, intuition is what people need to come back to, rely on, and listen to for their guidance. Intuition is the answer to the pain, fear, and suffering. INTUITION – every day, every week … INTUITION 365.

The Intuition 365 Playground is in response to that guidance I received at the beginning of the year. Imagine a place where connection, both spiritual and physical, is a priority. Where you can connect every day to practice and play with your intuition in an experiential way … where fun and PLAY takes precedence over stress and hard work.

This community also offers something new and exciting …

a place to connect – distraction free – away from Facebook and all of the ads, chaos, and drama that we often experience there. This class and the entire community will exist in our own community network (similar to Facebook in the way it works) but just our high-energy community … nothing to bring you down or shift you from the light-heartedness and play that we are creating.

If you know that you are in need of some PLAY and learning and you want to connect with the Spirit world in a greater way, then check out this new Intuition 365 community.

You are Intuitive … or Psychic! EVERYONE IS!!!!

Intuition 365 Playground is now available – a place to focus on developing those inherent gifts that you were born with. We all were born with these gifts! Some people are more aware of their gifts than others, but everyone has the gift of intuition.

If you have a Spirit – which you do – you are intuitive! It is time, my friend; it is time to get even more skilled at tapping in and tuning into these natural abilities. Spend this year with me and your friends focusing on all things Intuition. Join us in this HIGHLY INTERACTIVE experiential community as I help you understand and develop those innate gifts that you were born with.

I have been teaching intuition for over 22 years.

Now more than ever, you expanding your own intuition is extremely important. The angels say it is one of the most important things we can do at this time. There is so much out there in your environment right now … and you cannot believe it all just because it’s out there. You have to learn how to discern information. You must learn how to not just take it all in at face value. And your intuition helps you to know when something is off or not within your highest good … and feel confident in what is right and healthy for you.

In developing your intuition … learning to listen to that guidance … tapping into those messages – it gives you information. It tells you you’re on the right track.

You’re learning to listen to what is coming to you and through you. We must learn to listen to our guidance and base it on what is going to be true for you.

There are a lot of people that are scared to make decisions because they don’t know which decision is best. It is possible to live in a world where you can honor someone else’s truth and honor your truth and still connect.

That is possible. Your intuition is the truth teller for you.

It will help you to find your voice, to stand your ground, to speak your truth, to express yourself, to know what is best for you. That doesn’t mean that you know what is best for everyone else. We have got to get to a place where we can honor our own guidance and our own intuition … and recognize and honor that other people are following theirs.

When you start to tap in and connect to that energy within you, then you will find the answers that are true for you, even if they’re different than the answers that are true for someone else.

When we start to listen to our intuition, we get beyond the ego. We get beyond this 3D world. We raise our frequency to a place where we can see a bigger perspective and see one that is more holistic … one that has more awareness … one that has more discernment.

That is why learning to listen to your own intuition and learning to connect to that guidance for yourself is so critical. We want to learn to listen to that guidance within and not let our power be taken outside of us.

As long as you’re connected inward, you know where your true power lies … you know where the wisdom truly is. You know that you can rely on that connection – and you will be able to always do that!

If you know that you are in need of some PLAY and learning and you want to connect with the Spirit world in a greater way, then check out this new Intuition 365 community.

As a member of Intuition 365 Playground, you will receive:

  • Live, online weekly workshops via Zoom with interactive experiential exercises to develop and enhance your intuition (Replays available)
  • A private SDJ Community
  • Weekly homework to move you into owning your psychic abilities
  • Surprise pop-ins by SDJ and expert guest teachers
  • Group Support – Additional online community meetups and intuition practices
  • Live pop-in coaching to support you in shifting the habits that are getting in the way of your connection
  • Practice and Development – The more you practice, the better you get
  • Accountability – So you SHOW UP FOR YOU!
  • A year’s worth of intuition-developing, vibration-raising practices for daily living
  • Consistency – Weekly classes offer you consistent practice, which offers consistent results
  • 365/24 Access and Round-the-clock support via the SDJ online community where you can connect with like-minds and hearts, get accountability, ask questions, share your experiences, and meet new friends.

Weekly experiential classes will include, but are not limited to:

  • Psychometry
  • Reincarnation
  • Ascension
  • Chakras
  • Angels
  • Meditation
  • Automatic Writing
  • Scrying
  • Toe Reading
  • I Ching
  • Near Death Experience
  • Hands-on Healing
  • Breathwork
  • Pendulums
  • Oracle Cards
  • Color Therapy
  • Feng Shui
  • Dousing
  • Spirit Guides
  • Astral Travel
  • ET’s
  • Past Lives
  • Divination
  • Auras
  • Indigo Children
  • Body Guidance
  • ESP Cards
  • Crystal Healing
  • Grounding
  • Mediumship
  • Akashic Records
  • Law of Attraction
  • Face Reading
  • Telepathy
  • Palmistry
  • Runes
  • Gong Hee Fot Choy
  • Remote Viewing
  • Precognitive Dreaming
  • The Clair’s
  • Creativity
  • Mindfulness
  • Psychic Investigation

Who should enroll in Intuition 365 Playground:

  • People who are ready to create connection, community, play and light – for themselves and those they love.
  • People who know that developing their intuition with commitment and consistency can CHANGE their life (and the lives of those they love) in remarkable and miraculous ways.
  • Those that are looking to focus their energy on their light, not the darkness that has consumed so much of our lives and the media these past few years.
  • People that know how powerful getting back to basics is and are ready to embrace a simpler, joy filled life where their guidance system is number 1.
  • Those that LOVE anything to do with Spirituality, Metaphysics, New Age, and the like.
  • People that are bored, disconnected, disheartened with what has been and are ready for BIG positive changes.

As a member of Intuition 365 you will learn:

  • How to use the gift of discernment to understand the messages that are being sent and create a life that flows.
  • How to understand energy and the role it plays in your life.
  • Discover your Guardian Angel and/or Spirit Guide’s names
  • Have fun developing your natural gifts.
  • Understand energy and the role it plays in your life.
  • Develop the daily patterns that lead to a higher consciousness and sense of enlightenment.
  • Develop a stronger understanding of manifestation and desire vs. dream.
  • How to expand and develop your intuition.
  • How to trust your own intuitive guidance.
  • Simple steps for grounding and connecting with the angels.
  • Who the Archangels are and what are their qualities?
  • Gain confidence in yourself & your intuitive abilities.
  • Get in touch with your Angels and Spirit guides.
  • Connect with like-minds and practice your skills.
  • How to improve difficult relationships simply by shifting your own energy and thoughts.
  • How to discern between your Guardian Angel, the Archangels, Spirit Guides, and your Deceased loved ones.
  • How to connect with your Angels, Guides and loved ones to receive divine healing, love, forgiveness, and support.
  • Guided meditation techniques to open the communication between your physical world and the Spirit world.
  • Understand the laws of the universe and the healthy ways to use them.
  • Embrace your feelings and release your pain.
  • Be mindful of your energy.
  • Raise your frequency and vibration.
  • Detach and stay in your heart.
  • Release fear and anxiety and replace it with peace and knowing.
  • How to get centered and grounded no matter what is happening around you.

Between connecting with your Spirit and tuning into your Intuition, I will help you to develop your connection to the Spirit world in ways that you will KNOW and FEEL that you are NEVER ALONE!!!!

Intuition 365 Playground ...

is a place you can go to for daily or weekly connection, get it touch with an accountability partner, try your hand at an intuition exercise, or attend the weekly class.

This is something you won’t want to miss!!! Whether you are a seasoned intuitive or are just starting out, there’s something to learn here for everyone.

Having been in this field for 37 years, I still learn, every day. Experiential group learning I find is the very best way to learn, because the energy is so much more intentional and intense … so that collective focus makes it so much harder to MISS the signs and symbols.

We have existed previously in a world where we get the majority of our information from the three-dimensional, physical world. Especially when the pandemic hit, it accelerated the divisions that separated so many people in our 3D world.

We are now moving through a time where you must make choices that are best for your circumstances, even if that is not the same as everyone else.

We do not just exist here in this physical world.
We are physical beings.
We are spiritual beings.
We are mental beings.
We are emotional beings.

There are multiple layers and levels to us. We are in multiple planes and have multiple connections in a variety of different ways. The one thing that connects all of these layers and levels is our Intuition.

When you expand your awareness, you recognize that you’re getting information and you’re connected to other perceptions or sources than what you perceive in your physical surroundings – beyond the 3D world. Each of us must trust in their own intuition to interpret that guidance for the path that is best for their specific circumstances … as there is more than one right way forward, depending on the individual.

As a Psychic Medium and teacher of Intuition for over 22 years, I know that Trust is a big thing for you … and without it, you don’t receive the help and support from the Spirit World.

Not because they aren’t there supporting us, but because we don’t trust our INTERPRETATION of the messages. I will help you learn to TRUST yourself and the messages you are getting by teaching you DISCERNMENT.

In Intuition 365 Playground, we will cover many forms of intuitive development such as working with pendulums, automatic writing, energy healing, oracle card reading, channeling, angels and guides, crystals, deceased loved ones, psychic detective tools, chakras and so much more.

You will have the opportunity to try your hand at a variety of Intuitive exercises that will teach you where your strengths and weakness are… therefore, helping you to know what to practice even more.

It is said that we are given 1000 messages a day from the Spirit world. How many do you receive????

Join us to find out how you can be more open and receptive to the Spirit world and their messages. The sky is the limit once you understand how Spirit is speaking to you … This opens the door to understanding who you are and what you can truly do … This class is for everyone, beginners to advanced, to practice and develop their skills. All that is needed is a desire to LISTEN to and DEVELOP your Spiritual gifts!!!

These are your natural gifts… it’s a support system that is built within you to know that you are NEVER EVER alone and that you are always being guided from within (intuition) as well as without (angels, guides and deceased loved ones). These are gifts that often go to the wayside by being missed … or even worse, ignored. Join me as I teach you how to move through life’s difficulties and challenges – from self-neglect to self-love – with the love and support of your own natural guidance system, your Intuition.

Not only will you have weekly lessons, brought in even more intensely with consciously focused group intention, but you will also have an increased sense of Knowing, Seeing, Hearing and Feeling. We will be digging in and exploring your natural intuitive abilities in new and different ways than you may have ever experienced in the past – and opening you up to receive and expand even more.

Intuition is Key in Business too.

As a successful Entrepreneur, I have used my skills of intuition not only for myself and my clients, but to start, build and grow my ever-expanding business.

One of the biggest challenges facing entrepreneurs in business today is decision-making. They are bombarded with the pressure to make smart decisions quickly and often seek the guidance of colleagues and mentors, which can be extremely helpful. However, it doesn’t account for the fact that the greatest resource for making good healthy decisions lies within us: our intuition.

In a typical Business environment, we are told to leave our emotions at home. There’s no room for “feelings” in decision-making and business, but at the end of the day when we really get honest with ourselves … and we have read and reviewed the information over and over again, and asked others for their opinions … it’s our gut that is our best guide.

Learning to trust our intuition – when we’ve been educated to rely on facts – and successfully tune out the distractions that prevent us from connecting with our “inner knowing” does not come easily for many. In Intuition 365 Playground you will have the opportunity to develop your natural intuitive skills, expand on those newer skills and in turn, enhance your business as well.

"Intuition is a part of every aspect of life, and if it isn’t, it should be. Jump in now and join us… The energy is amped, the joy is here, and the light is shining. Let’s grow together"

What Other's Are Saying ...

Today I saw my intuition at work, I was talking to my 82 yr old Dad about his Birthday on Friday, My 2 Brothers and myself are planning on taking him to dinner that day, Out of the Blue I thought Of his best friend a high school buddy still after all these years. I said "Dad why don't we ask Jim to go along that would be fun?" "I will ask his daughter to bring him. I went straight to text her, and she answered right away that she was on the way home from the Hospital, Her Dad had fallen and is awaiting a surgeon, for his hand. The Angels are working through me letting me know to contact him! So Blessed that I Listened! Your Love and Prayers are much appreciated for My Dads Best Buddy! I Know the Angels are looking over him!
Elise Grace-Schema
I just completed the automatic writing. I was afraid nothing would come to me, but boy, was I wrong! At first it was just one or two words, then short sentences, and eventually the sentences became a little bit longer, but nothing too complex. A lot of words were repeated such as, "trust", "shine", "be there", "and be yourself". Also, two sentences basically telling me my Dad (who transitioned four years ago), is around and by my side.
Kellie McGarry
Wrote the letter to my angel(s) this morning after a heart math session and calling in my 'team'. I asked for help with finally releasing all my access weight that I am using like a wall between me and the world. I half expected that I would get in my own way again, but the words were actually just flowing out. It started with 'Dear One' and was full of loving and encouraging words. 'They' spoke as plural. They let me know that they noticed that I was listening to their guidance and that I should continue and not give up. Get out of my head. And when they asked if I can feel them around me, the tears just started flowing. This was the most profound experience yet. I'm pretty hard on myself, so this was definitely not coming from me. I was pretty close to giving up, because it seemed I just couldn't get out of my head. Now if I only can experience something like this again...
Regina Angers
Thanks, Sunny, for the great activities. Finding they are working for me and helping me to strengthen my intuition which is the aim here. Just a thought that each of us to make it more fun we should be rewarding ourselves when we get our hits right about a real-life situation. If we want to work out something badly enough i believe our intuition strengthens when we most need it in life i have found.
Angela L Spray
I must have some intuition because I drew my card and it was STEP 8 MAINTENANCE. Friday morning I was woken by a phone call by my friend saying her daughter had been taken to the mental hospital. I feel I was tempted to drop everything and run to Phoenix but I had other obligations. I maintained my energy but still felt guilty. Saturday, was different. I woke up slowly, did what “I wanted” and stayed focused on having a great day with high vibrations. A random hubby day. Just him and I planning Mother’s Day dinner, Costco and then he took me on a date. We actually cowboyed up and enjoyed our time together. I do my daily talks to my son who passed a year ago, water my flowers and MAINTAIN MY ENERGY.
Pam Page- Ameigh
Thank you for this class - it's given me the 'push' I needed to continue to try and not give up so easily. I learned my strengths (and weaknesses). I greatly appreciate you Sunny and everyone in this amazing group
Debbie Marie
Hi everyone! I’m loving this class, it is allowing me to dip into my higher self 💜 I want to share my experience that I just realized I did. Last night while listening to my personal reading I grabbed the first sheet of scrap paper next to me and started writing as fast as I can. Writing the words down as fast as I could go from memory of what Pam had told me. If you look closely I wrote them on the chakra in line with each color. The last word I believe she said is Life is sacred! Written on the Root! Wow I’m a believer
Nicole Jeannette
Had a fun experience yesterday during an appointment with my naturalpath. I've had some indications of nonalignment in the body that were manifesting in the skin and my doctor used muscle testing to determine the homeopathic remedy. After she was finished I requested to test the remedies using my body as a pendulum. I've learned to be more confident with my intuition and guidance but this certainly stepped it up a level. I tested over two dozen remedies and my body indicated a positive for three specific remedies. We compared results and discovered that we both hit on the exact same 3 out of a possible 24 options! Not only that but I also used my body to determine dosing and if the supplements should be taken together or at different times and again we had identical matches. Pretty cool and great validation! And I can already see a difference in my body after the single dose.
Brandi Porter Strieter
I have always loved my pendulums but haven't used them consistently. Now, I am! Plus the card/channeling exercise was amazing. The card I flipped over was perfect for me too. It was Laugh at your Demons from Sonia Choquette's Soul deck. THANK YOU Sunny, for helping me to reconnect.
Myrna Flick
I called in my angels, I set a timer and I picked a card. I've been working on automatic writing regularly since March. Today, I tried the card and began to write. Up until today I've been unimpressed with my automatic writing. Today's message came from my dad who passed in September. The tears were streaming down my face. Unfortunately the phone rang (that ringer will be turned off on my next entry into my automatic writing journal). This was AWESOMELY AWESOME!!! Thanks SUNNY
Barbara Nyman
I have been seeing numbers everywhere (444, 555, 111, 333) and I asked to see hummingbirds and have seen them everyday literally fluttering in front of me. And I picked up a dime on my walk. Excited about this!
Amisha Klawonn
Today I asked for a sign from my guides to confirm they are with me... I see a sticker on the car in front of me that reads Eagle... who is one of my Reiki guides. Then when pulling into the groomers I notice the plate in front of me is 77 and the address of the groomer is 7777.. I think I got my answer... Love this stuff
Karen Lopez

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Try Intuition 365 Playground For a Full 30 Days,
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If you are unhappy with Intuition 365 Playground during the next 30 days, I want to give you your money back. If you don’t love it, email me at any time during the first 30 days, show me you’re doing the exercises, and I’ll immediately send you a prompt and courteous refund.

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