06sepAll Day13Virtual Camino de Santiago Journey(All Day)


Price $249.00 $199.00

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Event Details

Explore the Camino from Anywhere!


No matter where you are in the world, you can now be part of the Camino experience. With our virtual journey, there are no travel restrictions or logistics to worry about. Simply connect online and embark on this remarkable adventure from the convenience of your own home.

Spots are VERY limited so grab yours now during Early Bird pricing.

$199 for the first 10 people
$249 for the next 10 people
$299 after the first 20 spots are filled

Embark on a Transformative Journey: Join the Virtual Camino de Santiago Journey in 2024 with SDJ

Join us on this virtual Camino de Santiago journey, where you can join me on an incredible adventure through Spain’s historic pilgrimage route. Experience the wonders of the Camino from the comfort of your own home as I, and many other adventurers, walk the path physically, capturing its essence through captivating pictures, inspiring videos, and live online experiences. Get ready to immerse yourself in the beauty, culture, and spiritual transformation the Camino de Santiago offers.

This virtual experience includes:

Prayers and Blessings

Throughout the virtual Camino de Santiago journey, you will witness the magnificent landscapes and cultural wonders and receive the power of prayers and blessings along the way. Our fellow pilgrims will send you heartfelt prayers and positive intentions as we navigate the sacred path together. You will be enveloped in a web of support and love, knowing that each step you take is accompanied by the collective energy and blessings of those who walk with you, both virtually and spiritually. Open your heart to receive these profound blessings and feel the uplifting power they bring to your personal journey.

One Energy Transmission from Sunny

Throughout the journey, you will also have the opportunity to receive one powerful energy transmission. These transmissions are designed to enhance your spiritual connection, support your personal growth, and amplify the transformative effects of the Camino experience. When guided, I will facilitate these transmissions at special locations, allowing you to receive the profound energetic frequencies that can awaken, heal, and empower you along the virtual pilgrimage. Open yourself to the transformative power of these energy transmissions and allow them to infuse your journey with an extra layer of spiritual depth and renewal.

Authenticity and Real-Time Experiences

You’ll witness the Camino in real-time through livestreaming as I walk its sacred path. Engage in virtual encounters with locals, interact with fellow pilgrims, and soak up the rich culture and traditions of the Camino. Each step brings you closer to the authentic experience, allowing you to engage with the journey as it unfolds.

Stunning Visuals and Immersive Content

Our pictures and videos will transport you directly to the Camino’s enchanting landscapes. Experience the picturesque countryside, charming villages, majestic cathedrals, and breathtaking viewpoints. Each visual element has been thoughtfully curated to evoke the true spirit of the Camino, providing an immersive experience for all your senses.

Personal Connection and Community

Join a vibrant community of fellow virtual pilgrims who share your passion for the Camino. Interact in real time, share stories, and support one another on this transformative journey. Through virtual group discussions and interactive sessions, you’ll form connections that transcend physical boundaries, fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie.

Spiritual Growth and Self-Reflection

The Camino de Santiago is renowned for its spiritual significance. By participating in the virtual walk, you’ll have the opportunity for self-reflection, personal growth, and spiritual exploration. Engage in guided meditations, connect with the Camino’s energy, and discover the wisdom that arises from this transformative pilgrimage.

Flexibility and Convenience

Life can be busy, but our virtual Camino ensures flexibility and convenience. Participate at your own pace, revisit content whenever you desire, and engage with the journey based on your schedule. Whether it’s during a break from work or in the comfort of your living room, the Camino experience is tailored to suit your needs.

Event Time

September 6(Friday) - September 13(Friday) (All Day)

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